I attach Notice of the WCA Annual General Meeting which will be held in the Evelyn room of the newly refurbished Warrandyte Community Centre at 12.00 noon on Sunday 10th November. As a financial member you are eligible to vote, and I urge you to do so or submit a proxy on the form attached to the notice. This AGM is particularly important as we have been obliged to re-write the Rules (Constitution) under the new laws for Victorian incorporated associations which came into effect on 26 November 2012 (the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic). The Committee of Management is submitting the revised rules for approval at the AGM. The new model rules contain almost twice as many clauses as the existing ones and we have taken the opportunity to customise them slightly to accord with our requirements.
I also attach a President’s report of the busy year we have had including a summary of the ‘Be Ready Warrandyte’ campaign and copies of the financials to June 2012 – Profit and Loss – July 12 to June 13 and Balance Sheet 30 June 2013.
We were going to repeat the very successful BBQ we had last year at David Ellis’ Lyndon Park with RiverKeeper Ian Penrose as guest speaker. However, we have been upstaged by Cliff Green’s retirement party on the same day at the same time! We are hoping that you will turn up on time at 12.00 to vote at the AGM and go on to the Diary Bash for Cliff also at the Community Centre. Details below:
Community Thanks to Cliff Green Sunday 10th Nov 12 noon – 3 pm Neighbourhood House Hall Warrandyte Community Centre Sausage sizzle! Wine can be purchased! Everyone is invited! Ph 9844 0555
Dick Davies
Warrandyte Community Association Inc.