About WCA

The Warrandyte Community Association Inc. (WCA) was established in 2001. WCA is an active resident group of the Warrandyte community and has a large membership of residents of Warrandyte, South Warrandyte and North Warrandyte under our banner of ‘Caring for the Community’.


The WCA was incorporated in March 2002 under the Victorian Associations Incorporation Act (1981) as amended in July 1998. Updated Rules were adopted in November 2013.

Download the Rules of Warrandyte Community Association

Our Mandate from our Membership is to:
  • Promote all aspects of community life in Warrandyte.
  • Defend the character and heritage of the Township.
  • Protect the environment and encourage restoration and regeneration of native flora and fauna.
  • Protect the Green Wedge (Non-urban areas).
  • Promote sporting, educational, recreational and cultural activities.
  • Defend and enhance community assets.

Under the banner of ‘Caring for the Community’, we engage in regular meetings with residents, State Government and other organisations and local government (City of Manningham and Shire of Nillumbik). These meetings address local issues such as bushfire awareness, planning matters, environmental and other social and community issues.

Major achievements benefitting the Warrandyte Community include:

WCA 20th Anniversary Celebration

Celebration of 20 years of the Warrandyte Community Association and opening of the WCA Office by the Mayor.
Manningham Mayor, Cr. Michelle Kleinhert, together with WCA President Terry Tovey, cut the ribbon to officially open the Warrandyte Community Association office in the Warrandyte Community Centre.

The opening was followed by a celebration in the Community Centre of twenty years of ‘Caring for the Community’ by the WCA.

Cr. Kleinhert was accompanied by Yarra Ward Councillor Carli Lange-Boutle and Councillors Anna Chen, Deirdre Diamante and Stephen Mayne. Councillor Ben Ramcharan from Nillumbik Council and MHR for Warrandyte, Ryan Smith also attended.

Over fifty guests represented the causes and local community organisations that WCA has engaged with over the years.

In addition to local Warrandyte identities, these included the CFA, Rotary, Lions, the Community Church, the Warrandyte Community Retirement Housing Cooperative, the Bendigo Bank, and many members of the WCA and other local community groups.

Former President, Dick Davies, reviewed 20 years of WCA community engagement and Cr. Kleinhert warmly acknowledged the close relationship with Manningham over the years.

Read WCA 20th Anniversary Celebration ‘Caring for the Community‘


Be Ready Warrandyte

Living with Bushfire Risk’ 2012-15, our bushfire and heatwave awareness campaign, has received national and international recognition as a model for community resilience, winning three Fire Awareness Awards in 2013 including the overall award for excellence. We continue the programme working closely with Local Council Emergency Services, CFA and Emergency Services Victoria. More about Be Ready Warrandyte can be seen here www.warrandyte.org.au/fire

Public Transport and Roads

Public Transport and Roads has been a major issue in Warrandyte with peak hour gridlock a long term problem. WCA has campaigned for better public transport, traffic management and bypass solutions since 2005.

Warrandyte Riverside Market

WCA is a member of the Warrandyte Riverside Market Committee, a contributor to the Warrandyte Festival and actively supports local cultural and sporting initiatives when appropriate.


An HIA award winning five unit residential retirement housing development, originated as a sub-committee of the WCA before incorporating as the Warrandyte Community Retirement Housing Cooperative.

State Planning Issues

Most members of the Warrandyte Community are keen to retain the environmental and heritage ‘Character’ of the Township. WCA actively makes submissions for example on proposed amendments to Zoning Regulations under the ‘Urban Growth Boundary’, to VCAT, to the Middle Yarra Advisory Council, to the Native Vegetation Management Framework and other issues as they arise. We participated for several years in the Yarra Valley Water stakeholder panel of the Backlog Sewerage Programme.

WCA Membership

The Warrandyte Community Association Inc. (WCA) is an active residents group of the Warrandyte community. Formed in 2001 the WCA has an active membership and committee drawn from both sides of the river—Manningham and Nillumbik. The committee meets regularly with local government and residents to address planning and environmental matters as well as any community concerns