Manningham Council has rejected the application to further subdivide a property in Warrandyte.
Congratulations to those residents who led the opposition to the application and congratulations to the Council for upholding the Planning Scheme.

Subdivision of building lots into even smaller lots in Warrandyte is often a recipe for degradation of the natural environment and is a particular threat to the river. Warrandyte on both sides of the river forms a catchment area for the Yarra. It is critical for the health of the river that Warrandyte not become a typical suburb of small blocks, hard surfaces and drains which rob the environment of water.

If Warrandyte remains a low-density suburb it should be possible to develop environmentally sensitive drainage, with permeable curbing and paths which allow water to permeate the ground as close as possible to where it falls. This replenishes the water table, supports native vegetation, mitigates storm surge and improves the quality of water entering the river and creeks


Now is the time to do the WCA Survey if you haven’t done it already. It will only take a few minutes, and make sure your friends and neighbours do it as well.
On completion if you would like to register to enter the draw for a $100 voucher to spend at local café Now and Not Yet you can leave your name and contact details, but these will not be retained.


Thumbs up for Nillumbik Council officers for enforcing road rules re parking on nature strips. This is as particular issue in North Warrandyte, with its narrow roads and nature strips with endemic vegetation.
A nature strip is defined as the area between the edge of a road and a property boundary. It includes any grassed or landscaped area, cement or gravel, dirt and driveways. It does not include the kerb, shoulder of a road or a bicycle path, footpath or shared path.

The nature strip is a busy place, services pass them; cars park at the kerb and people alight onto the nature strip.

Nillumbik – view information on Nillumbik Website here
Nature strips are part of Nillumbik’s Green Wedge environment. They complement the neighbourhood’s natural setting and are public land, not part of a residential property.

It is accepted practice that residents maintain the nature strip(s) abutting their property as an extension of their garden, with the exception of street trees which are maintained by Council. Residents must not remove, lop or destroy any vegetation on nature strips or rural road reserves without permission from Council.
You are not allowed to park on or store any type of vehicle or trailer or building materials on nature strips, as per Council’s Amenity Local Law.

If you want to landscape or plant out your nature strip, you will need to seek written permission from Council. Similarly, if you want to remove any vegetation, you may need to apply for a permit depending on the type of vegetation you wish to remove.

VicRoads – view information on VicRoads Website here
According to VicRoads, nature strips are not constructed for the parking of vehicles. Parking on them can damage the nature strip surface, trees and root systems, kerb and channel, paths, house drain connections and other underground services.

A driver must not park on a nature strip adjacent to a length of road in a built-up area, unless the driver parks at a place allowed by a parking sign. Parking on the nature strip can impede drivers’ and pedestrians’ lines of sight. This is a particular hazard for the elderly, children and disabled.
Currently parking fines range from $92 to $185 depending on the offence. Local councils undertake the majority of parking enforcement and look after parking issues in local streets. Some enforcement is also undertaken by police. All parking rules apply even if your vehicle has broken down.

nature strips in nillumbik and manningham


After 20 years, the dream of a bike/ walk path from Warrandyte to the city is one step closer. Work is underway on the section from Beasley’s Nursery to Alexander Road & Warrandyte High School. This is a very dangerous section of the road for cyclists, and so we look forward to the completion of the new section in May. For more information see,

main yarra trail extension


This month FOWSP celebrates its 40th anniversary. FOWSP is a volunteer group of 242 families with an interest in the conservation and rehabilitation of native bushland in the Warrandyte State Park. It is now one of the largest “Friends” groups in the state.

Among other things it operates an indigenous plant nursery which is open for plant sales on Thursdays 9.30 am to 12.30pm and the first Saturday of every month 9 am to 1 pm, from April to November on.

To find out more or join up visit:

Thank you for your continuing support. We look forward to updating you on local news again soon.