We hope that everyone is managing during the lockdown. Here is a quick update on a few current issues on the WCA’s agenda at the moment.

Nillumbik Council Plan – Submissions due August 26

If you’re looking for something productive to do while locked down take a critical look at Nillumbik Council’s draft Council Plan and Vision Statement, which you will find https://participate.nillumbik.vic.gov.au/our-future

In our view the document isn’t worthy of the Green Wedge Shire, and if you agree or have any useful comments to contribute make sure you go online and make your views known. A useful analysis has been prepared by local resident Betty Russell which you can find  https://wedgetales.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Community-Vision-2040-Submission-from-Betty-Russell.pdf on the Wedge Tales website.  Betty’s article/submission also includes a link to a report on community views arising from a council engagement project earlier this year.

Submissions close on the 26th of August.

The Pound: Pound Road

The Old Pound land, from which Pound Road gets its name, is in the news. The site, which is Crown land, has been degraded over many years and lately has become an unofficial car park during the summer. The land has potential environmental and historical/indigenous features, and the Warrandyte Historical Society has asked the Department of Environment, Water, Land and Planning (DELWP) to properly exercise its responsibility for the land. In addition to this, local residents have petitioned the Manningham Council and the Department to take immediate action to prevent the illegal parking because this presents traffic management problems and risks to life on high fire danger days.

Watch this space.

Melbourne Water:  Green Wedge Land For Sale?

Melbourne Water is set to dispose of land in the Nillumbik green wedge which was reserved for water storage but is no longer required for that purpose. The land has been in public ownership for at least 50 years. The land is a mixture of bush and agricultural land. Melbourne Water now proposes to sell off much of the land and subdivide it into hobby farm or residential bush blocks. Melbourne Water is aiming to maximize the value of the land it sells. However, the overriding question of what is in the public interest is not addressed. The State Government has a policy of promoting and strengthening agriculture within 100 km of Melbourne. Yet this proposal will fragment valuable agricultural land making it less likely that this can be used for productive,

viable agriculture. Similarly, the Government is supposedly interested in promoting biodiversity and protecting the green wedges. Encouraging residential development in this bush land will have the opposite effect. It will also reduce the green canopy close to Melbourne at the very time we should preserving bush land if we are to reduce the effects of global warming.

We encourage you to write to the Premier and Members of Parliament asking for all this land to be kept in public ownership.

More information on the proposal and the position of the Nillumbik Council can be found here: https://nillumbik.infocouncil.biz/Open/2021/04/CM_27042021_AGN_1134.HTM#_Toc69479689

Taroona Avenue Shared Path

Community consultation on these works has been deferred during lockdown.

WCA Office & Meeting Room to Open Soon

When we emerge from lockdown the WCA will be taking up residence in its new office in the Community Centre. Manningham Council has granted the WCA a lease of the space formerly occupied by Information Warrandyte. This space will also serve as the office of the Warrandyte Retirement Housing Cooperative, which was founded by the WCA.

Most importantly, the space will be available to other community organisations which need a meeting room or display space. We are hoping that this physical street presence will raise the profile of many of our community organisations and make their activities more widely known. Keep an eye on our website for booking information.

Our thanks go to the Council for providing this boost to community engagement.

Best wishes

Terry Tovey


21 August 2021