WCA Submission to VCAT against the application to develop 1-5 Yarra St as a Service Station
20 April, 2016
The Warrandyte Community Association is confident that Warrandyte residents have made the best possible case against the proposed petrol station development near the Harris Gully Road roundabout.
The WCA presentation to the VCAT hearing from 11-15th April was made by Doug Seymour, a local civil engineer.
(To read the WCA Submission to the VCAT Hearing CLICK HERE).
(The full colour visuals from the presentation are attached below CLICK HERE).
“A great deal of credit must go to the Warrandyte Character Group who have mobilized resident-objectors with specialist skills and raised funds to brief a barrister to appear in their behalf and co-ordinate objectors,” Doug said.
“The Community Association met with them and specialists many times, exchanging information and providing support.
“We concluded the scale and character of proposed development would not blend with the heritage character and environmental aspects of the Township.
“The site is also environmentally and visually sensitive,” Doug said.
The WCA appeared with 13 other individual and Group objectors. As it is important in such a hearing that opposition Parties do not unduly repeat arguments, the WCA elected to largely focus on landscape and visual management issues.
Bev Hanson, Warrandyte’s most experienced local garden designer, supported the WCA submission by personally presenting a paper responding to the Applicant’s Landscape design expert report.
“The WCA also appreciates the support provided by Bill McAuley, Jeremy Loftus-Hills and the Diary’s own Stephen Reynolds in supplying wonderful visual material”, Doug said.
The VCAT hearing will be continued in May.
Dick Davies
Warrandyte Community Association Inc.
VCAT’s interim decisions in Application Concerning: 1-5 Yarra St, Warrandyte:-
P1193 2015 Plantinum King Pty Ltd v Mannngham CC Ors (ag mt 210416)
P1193 2015 Platinum King Investments Pty Ltd v Manningham CC (js rb 180416)