As part of Manningham City Council’s Emergency Aware program, nine emergency planning sessions have been planned across Manningham with the first taking place in Warrandyte.

What:    Emergency Aware Planning Session
When:   Wednesday 9 October 2019
Time:     1:00 – 2:00pm
Where:  Warrandyte Neighbourhood House, 168 Yarra Street, Warrandyte

The content of the sessions will be as follows:

  • Preparing a home emergency plan and emergency kit
  • Deciding your trigger and knowing when and where you would go if you had to relocate
  • Existing risks facing the community such as fire, flood, power outage and heatwave
  • Accessing preparedness information before an emergency
  • Sources of information during an emergency 

These sessions will be for small groups of approximately 20 people and members of the CFA, SES and Vicpol have been invited to attend.

Please send your RSVP to