Native Vegetation Framework


Concerned that Victoria is a national leader in broadscale clearance of native vegetation on private land (hardly a distinction), vegetation management controls were introduced in the late 1980’s. A centrepiece of these controls is the Native Vegetation Management Framework which includes the requirement for Net Gain to be demonstrated before approval to clear is granted. This was an initiative of the Kennett Government.

The Framework’s main goal is to achieve a reversal, across the entire landscape of the long-term decline in the extent and quality of native vegetation, leading to a net gain. The Framework guidelines state that “Net Gain will be achieved as a result of landholder and government-assisted efforts to protect and improve native vegetation. Permitted clearing must be offset in a way that adequately addresses the future impacts of such clearing”.


The Government is reviewing the Framework and responding to an alert from local Friends and Landcare groups, the Association wrote to the Minister for Environment (our MLA for Warrandyte Ryan Smith) seeking an opportunity to make a submission. Committee members subsequently had a useful meeting with the Minister to discuss the issue.

It is normal practise for regulations to be reviewed every decade or so; in this case there have been calls from rural electorates for the process to be simplified; rural papers report that the Framework is inhibiting investment.


When news of the commencement of the review emerged in the Press, conservation and environment groups expressed nervousness about the process being “in camera”, no doubt picking up on the forthright, even pro-development character of a number of recent Planning decisions. These groups and the Association have been assured stakeholders will be given an opportunity to respond to a forthcoming discussion paper which will set out issues and options for improvement.

A member of our Association has contributed the direct experience of arguing a case which relied on Framework arguments (Nillumbik). This case demonstrated the considerable complexity of Net Gain calculations, pointing to a need to simplify the process. Minister Ryan went further: “This element of the Framework does not work”.

We look forward to responding to the discussion paper.

WCA contact: Doug Seymour

DSE Victoria’s Native Vegetation Management: A Framework for Action

Update: Minister Ryan Smith released a Review Discussion Paper in mid September 2012. Comments close 19 October 2012; input welcome.
Refer Future directions for native vegetation in Victoria
Review of Victoria’s native vegetation permitted clearing regulations
Consultation paper, September 2012


BLACKBURN FORUM: Help protect your local habitat

The Victorian Government is proposing a number of ‘reforms’ to the state’s native vegetation clearing regulations that will make it easier to clear native habitat.

Join us on Thursday, 17 January 2013, to find out what the proposed reforms may mean for Melbourne’s native plants and animals, and what you can do.

This event is being co-hosted by the Victorian Field Naturalists.

What: Forum on the Victorian Government’s proposed changes to native vegetation laws.
When: Thursday 17 January 2013, 7-8.15pm.
Where: Victorian Field Naturalists office, 1 Gardinia St, Blackburn.

For more information please contact Bruce Lindsay from the Environment Defenders Office on 03 8341 3100 or Yasmin Kelsall, Victorian National Parks Association on 03 9347 5188.