In November 2022 an application was lodged for a permit to undertake various works to extend a dwelling on Kangaroo Ground-Warrandyte Road. The extent of the planned works would have triggered the Bushfire Management Overlay and resulted in extensive tree removal.

A number of neighbours objected to the permit on the basis of the extent of tree removal, and the impact of the works on their properties. The bushland is an important part of their aspect, privacy and protection, and also a home, refuge and corridor for animals, plants and other species.

Nillumbik Council held a planning conference in December 2022 regarding the application.

Following the conference, the applicant amended the plan and reduced the size of the proposal. The new plan would not trigger the Bushfire Management Overlay meaning that there would be no tree removal at all within the subject site.

On 23rd June Council issued a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit with conditions regarding vegetation removal, tree protection and drainage. The applicant and objectors have 28 days to appeal to VCAT regarding the decision.

This result demonstrates the influence that neighbours can have on proposed works on adjacent blocks, to reach an acceptable result. It would of course not have been possible without the applicant’s willingness listen to the concerns of the neighbours, and to amend their plans to help retain the trees and vegetation.