Update on proposed Service Station at 1-5 Yarra St (at the round about).

Fourteen months ago the WCA was one of 69 objectors to a proposal to build a service station at 1-5 Yarra Street (see plans here) on the grounds of:-

  • traffic management,
  • visual amenity and heritage streetscape
  • loss of roadside native vegetation and
  • environmental concerns.

Last week Notices from the Applicants lawyers were served. These advise the developer is appealing before VCAT, on the grounds of Failure to Determine.

The Association remains concerned about the potential impact of both the type of service station/small retail outlet being proposed and the particular design proposed by the developer.

Manningham Council is now written to all those who objected in 2014 updating participants on Council’s decision process and advising their consultation process leading up to the next full Council meeting (28 July).  Council’s felt they could not finalise a decision as the developer was in consultation with VicRoads trying to resolve their objections to site internal traffic management  issues. The WCA understands that Council is very likely to oppose the application before VCAT.

The Association and resident-objectors were advised that they could file Grounds of Objection with VCAT by 10 July; the WCA has completed this step.  Following a number of submissions pointing out discrepancies in the serving process some objectors received advice from VCAT that the deadline was extended to July 15.

VCAT conducted a Practices Hearing on July 17 to decide on the manner in which the Appeal Hearing would be conducted ( this starts on 19 October). Deputy President Helen Gibson determined:

  1. those who objected by the evening of 16 July would be accepted as Parties,
  2. the Applicant was ordered to lodge a Cultural Heritage Statement
  3. Applicant to provide any revised plans by August 14
  4. The planned Compulsory Mediation Conference would not proceed as in VCAT’s opinion there was little chance of agreement by consultation.

Many resident-objectors are collaborating under the banner of the Warrandyte Character Protection Group and the Association is co-ordinating  with this group.


  1. This WCA website
  2. The Warrandyte Character Protection Facebook (WCP) page
  3. Regular meetings advised via the WCP
  4. The Warrandyte Diary online survey asking the question: Do you want a new service station in Warrandyte? – No, Yes, Yes but not in Yarra Street
  5. Contact warrandytecharacterprotection@gmail.com
  6. WCA letter to Warrandyte Diary July 2015 150723 Diary WCA Petrol station
  7. Manningham City Council advice August 2015 150804 MCC Petrol Station
  8. WCA submission to the MCC submitters hearing August 2015 150722 Draft 3 MCC Submitters Hearing

This is a rather anodyne image that does not show any advertising or signage usually associated with service stations

This is a rather anodyne image that does not show any advertising or signage usually associated with service stations


1 Yarra St Plans p 7


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150807_Tanker Access