Following the devastating bushfires in February 2009, the WCA held an open forum attended by 280 Warrandyte residents under the banner of ‘Warrandyte – Be Better Prepared’. The purpose was to explore possible ways forward and to focus on issues and actions. There were no speeches or formal presentations, the format of the workshop was to enable residents to raise matters of interest and concern. Twelve major topics emerged from initial discussion which were then discussed in separate focus groups, each with a trained facilitator.

The results were presented as a submission to the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission and are available on the WCA website under Reports at:

One of the topics discussed was  ‘Early Warning Systems’ which identified a need for a locally organized early warning system including a siren. The issue of appropriate warning sirens has been repeatedly raised in subsequent public meetings and ‘Be Ready Warrandyte’ events.

Now the Brackenbury Street Central Community Fireguard Group has independently organized a public meeting to discuss the issue on:

Thursday 15th September

6.45pm for 7.00pm

Warrandyte Community Church

57 Yarra Street Warrandyte

See notice attached.

Community Alert Sirens Poster

To view the presentation slides from this meeting, click 160915-community-presentation.