Rainbows and Camel Rides

Festival goers chalked up 312 unique records on the Warrandyte Community Association’s writer’s wall this year. And children illustrated their thoughts with drawings on most of the 21 boards.

Each board was photographed as it filled up, and all 21 are displayed on the WCA website www.warrandyte.org .

Last year the three major themes were retaining the ‘Character of Warrandyte’, Gridlock on the bridge and Bushfire awareness.

This year comments were more diverse with ten overall categories.

When invited to complete the sentence “I want Warrandyte to be….’

the largest individual category (83 entries – 26%) expressed an opinion or sentiment about the type of community we want – no prizes for guessing what! – For example:
“…Full of loving people”, “…Not over populated”.

Conserving the natural environment recorded 51 comments (16%):
“…Keep its beautiful environment”, “…Keep the river clean”.

Another 13% want Warrandyte to remain largely as it is…
“..Remain the same”,“…Not another Doncaster.”

The related categories of ‘Roads and Bridges’, ‘Getting Around’ and ‘Petrol Station’ individually sit in the middle of the pack, but collectively represent the largest body of opinion. These transport and related issues recorded 89 entries (28%).

On ‘Roads and Bridges’, the vast majority (13%) voiced support for reducing traffic to and through Warrandyte, and did not support road or bridge widening or the installation of traffic lights. Only one supported traffic lights.

In ‘Getting Around’, there was consistent support for more bike paths and for improved pedestrian access. There was good support for a new footbridge. There were no records in favour of a petrol station in Warrandyte.

However, the kids have the last words!
“I want Warrandyte to have more Rainbows!’
“I want Warrandyte to have Camel rides every day!”

Dick Davies
29 March 2016

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